Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Old Balance Scale

I was recently reading Kenneth E. Hagin’s book, “How You Can Be Led By the Spirit of God” (Legacy Edition, 2006) and came upon a testimony that was recorded in the book. It was about a female missionary on a foreign field who had contracted chicken pox. There was no vaccine at the time and there was a great possibility that she could die if there was no divine intervention. She was then put in isolation so that she would not infect other people. In isolation, she began to pray with all her heart. As she prayed she had a vision and in this vision, she saw an old fashioned balance scale. One side of the scale was labeled “prayer’’ and the other side was labeled “praise”. In the vision she noticed that the side of the scale labeled “prayer” was really stacked high and it sank low because of the load, but the other side labeled “praise” had just a little stack and was raised high up because there was no load on it! Then the Lord said to her, “When your praises equals your prayers you would be healed.” And so this missionary praised God for the next two days with all her heart. It was recorded that she had little or no sleep for those two days. Guess what, she was miraculously healed with no trace of chicken pox, after two days of praise!
Many believers pray, but not many really praise God or thank Him. This may be the reason for some of our delays. God is good whether our prayers are answered or not. But even our ‘unanswered prayers’ do not necessarily mean that they will not be answered tomorrow. We need to develop a thankful and praiseful heart no matter our circumstances. This really pleases God.
However, it is difficult to praise God or be thankful without joy. When you have joy in your heart praising and thanking God becomes a lifestyle. Joy is a fruit of the recreated spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) That is why it is impossible for those who are not born again to have joy. This is the reason for the suicides in the world today. Joy is beyond happiness and mere positive thinking. It is constant in your spirit irrespective of what happens or does not happen. Joy is not a feeling. Joy is the strength the believer needs to draw from the well of salvation. When you allow the devil steal your joy, you have allowed him steal your strength and your praise! So resist him and keep your joy on!
I remember many years ago, I was going through a very fiery trial, the worst in my life to date and I just could not find any reason to be joyful or thankful. I was saved and I loved the Lord, but hanging around me was no fun. I carried around a heavy and depressed spirit. I was always praying but I was a sad believer. Then one day, on a queue in an anointing service in Church, the man of God got to me and laid his hands on me. Then he said, “Sis Ebiye, rejoice in the Lord, but remember that rejoicing is a choice” What he was saying to me was that I need to make the conscious choice to be joyful in spite of what I was going through and until I made that choice I would always carry around a rejected and sad spirit. Thankfully, I eventually made that choice to deliberately rejoice in every situation.
There are so many believers who are not activating the joy of the Lord in their spirit so their balance scale is stacked low on praise.
In Luke chapter 17: 11-19, we read of ten lepers who were healed by Jesus, but only one of them, a stranger returned to thank the Lord and for his trouble was made whole! Praise and thanksgiving are deliberate acts of our will and they have a way of clinching the deal for us. They put the icing on the cake in our kingdom walk and ensure that we are always in the thoughts of God.
Another reason some Christians are prayerful, but joyless is because they are constantly fighting demons. The only fight that the believer is instructed to fight in Scriptures is the fight of faith! (1Tim 6:12) We are not called to fight demons, but to cast them out in the name of Jesus! When we are too demon conscious we would be drained of joy and praise. Jesus has done all the fighting in our behalf, but our responsibility is to fight the fight of faith to enter our rest in Him! And to successfully do so we must read and meditate on the word of God daily because faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.
So let us arise and give the Lord the praise and thanksgiving that is due Him! Let us bless His holy name for we are nothing without Him. He is our God and there is none like Him. He is good and His mercies towards us are new every morning and they endure forever. Hallelujah!

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