Monday 10 October 2016

The Quest For Relevance

One of the quests of man is to be relevant. We all want to be recognized, to be wanted, desired or sought after by people. Sometimes, when we do not have this, we become envious and jealous of those we think are more relevant than us. In offices, people go through lengths to be favoured by their bosses. Some may even resort to lies and backstabbing of fellow colleagues just to be in the good books of their managers. It is no different in the church. The Church ‘fights’ have been the most painful to witness because naively we expect the Church to be a place of refuge, comfort, etc. And yes, ideally it should be. But if man is part of a system, church or otherwise, the ugly head of our imperfections and carnal nature will show up soon enough. When we remember that the Church is like a hospital with sick people at varied levels of healing, we would be more tolerant of some of the issues in Church.
Relevance cannot be attained through fights and carnal struggles because it is a by- product of contribution. When you add value to the lives of people, you will automatically be relevant to them. They will seek you out whenever they have a need or counsel or just a listening ear. They will follow you because they know you care.
Why do you think Jesus is so revered and evokes so much love and worship from humanity? Why is He needed so much, especially in continents like Africa where leadership has failed? It is because He is the only One adding value to our lives. People know that He cares. He saved us from eternal destruction and He is with us even now in our daily lives on earth. He is forever present with us, when we pray, when we are driving in our cars, when we lie down to sleep and when we wake up. He is nearer to our hearts than our best of friends and the most loving and doting of spouses. Jesus is relevant because He is beautiful for all situations. The widows and orphans testify of His love as well as the married and those with parents. Through thick and thin Jesus is forever present, loving and helping us.
We also become relevant when we do what God asks us to do. When you work on His assignment for your life, you will become relevant. All Jesus did was to obey His Father’s call to save mankind from eternal damnation. Was the call easy? No, but He obeyed nevertheless. The love and relevance He enjoys today is the fruit of His love labour. “Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:2, ESV)
However, relevance should not be the motive for our obedience or contribution to society. We obey and serve because it is what we are called to do and then we allow God to determine how we get paid. Actually, most people who enjoy influence and relevance today were actually surprised when they got it. And because it was not their goal or motivation they are unassuming about it all.
Jesus was so relevant that His followers wanted to make Him an earthly king! What an irony. They wanted to make the King of kings a ‘king’! Learn this truth, most things people offer you when you are relevant have already being provided for by God. This should prevent us from being carried away by gifts and praises. The key is to have a sound knowledge of your call. Jesus understood His call very well and so the deceptive offers that came His way were not a temptation in the least.
A note of caution. Do not seek to be relevant to man, but seek to be relevant to God. Seek to do His will. Seek to go wherever He sends you and do whatever He asks of you. Remain humble as God has no use for proud people. Glory will come. Praises will come, but be careful to return all back to God. Until Jesus finished His earthly ministry He remained relevant to God because He made God, His Father relevant to man in all situations. The moral here is this, if you can make people see God’s place and relevance in their lives, you will always be relevant to God and man.


  1. Replies
    1. All glory to God! Thank you so much for following and your encouragements. May the Lord give it back to you in abundance and may people always be on standby to help and encourage you in Jesus name. Amen!
