Monday 12 September 2016

A Supernatural Experience

It was 7 am in the morning when the call came in. I picked up the phone on my bed side stool. ‘Hello!’ I answered, and I heard a female voice on the other end. It was a woman that I knew and respected. I was wondering how she got my number, when she said, “Sis Ebiye, Good morning! The Lord asked me to give you One Million Naira (i.e. approximately $2,500 today). Could you see me at my office this morning? 'Excuse me, ma?!', I asked in shock. “See me, today, if you can.” And she hung up. I cannot tell you how long I held that phone in my hand or how long before I closed my mouth that was hung open. All I could utter was, ‘Oh my God!’ I sat on my bed with my head in my hands and the tears of joy rolled down my face. It was just yesterday, I thought, just yesterday when I had a nudge in my spirit to sow a hundred dollar seed into the life of a very notable and influential woman of God. I struggled sowing that seed even though I was certain it was the Lord nudging me to do so. I obeyed, but it was a struggle as it was the only money I had at the time. Now this strange, but pleasant phone call! I realized then that God did not want my money. He was only testing me. I got the money later that morning and my walk with God changed forever. It’s been nearly fifteen years since that fateful phone call, but I remember it like yesterday.
Since that experience I have never withheld anything from the Lord, especially if He specifically asks for it. God does not need our money as He owns everything in the world. When He asks it’s because He wants to do something good for us. Some may ask, does it mean that we have to pay for His blessings. No, but what I do know is that before we can experience testimonies in our lives we have to go through tests. And before a harvest there is usually a planting season. Sometimes, we are led to give because He wants to test our faith in Him. The bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) At other times, He tests us to enable us experience Him from a fresh angle. In my case, He wanted me to experience Him as Jehovah, Jireh, The God who provides. Today, I am very thankful that He supplied the grace for me to do so. In a relationship, trust is everything. I have been made to understand that you can take thirty years to build trust, but destroy it in three seconds! Trust is fragile but the backbone needed for a relationship to thrive. Whether it is a marriage relationship or a business partnership, trust is needed for continuous growth. That is why adultery is the worst kind of betrayal in marriage. It usually takes divine intervention for spouses to forgive their partners when this happens. Even when forgiveness is given, the relationship is never the same because trust has been broken. A relationship without trust is a suffocating environment to live in.
God needs to know that we trust Him. He needs to know that we sincerely believe that He will never leave or forsake us. When we trust God, we will wait on Him and there would be no desire in our hearts to disobey Him or seek alternative gods. In a time of severe famine, a widow in a city called Zarephath was asked to give her last meal to a prophet of God. It was a tough decision to make as she also had a son to take care of, but she obeyed. Miraculously, this widow and her son never lacked for food throughout the famine. Her son who took ill was also supernaturally healed. (1Kings 17: 8-24) Like it or not, we would be tested by the Lord and when He does it is so that we too may experience the supernatural on earth. There is a whole new level in Christ awaiting your entrance. It is my prayer that you would be discerning when your next test comes in Jesus name. Amen!

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