Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Seed

People fail to make a difference in their communities because they think that they have nothing to offer or what they have is inconsequential in comparison with the need at hand. But Jesus did not think that way. When faced with feeding a multitude of more than five thousand people in a remote region, He asked for a seed. His disciples scouted amongst the crowd and found a sower. He was just a young boy, but he was willing to offer his five loaves and two fishes (probably his lunch). Jesus gratefully received this seed and lifted it to God in thanksgiving and asked His disciples to share amongst the people. As they stepped out in faith sharing the broken pieces of bread and fish it kept supernaturally multiplying until everyone ate! Not only that, after all had eaten to their satisfaction they gathered twelve baskets of left over bread and fish! (John 6:1-14)
The seed is powerful. Jesus never thinks of anything offered to Him as too small as long as it is given willingly and cheerfully. That was why the widow with her mite enjoyed His commendation. (Mark 12:41-44) Everything in life is a seed. Our smile is a seed. Giving a helping hand to another in need is a seed. A bottle of soda is a seed so is a small pack of biscuit. Playing the drum or guitar in church is a seed as well as cleaning the church. Helping an old lady accross a busy road is a seed likewise giving up your seat in a crowded bus, train or waiting lounge for a pregnant woman. Volunteering at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter is a seed, also.
It does not take too much to be a blessing. For instance, my articles and posts are my seed. When I write, I write with a hope that someone may be encouraged and blessed. Many who visit my blog or read my posts on social media never ‘like’ or make a comment, but I push myself to write anyway. I do what I do because I have a burning desire to encourage and give hope through God’s word. More than five thousand people ate from the five loaves and two fishes that young boy offered to Jesus, but how many sought him out to say, thank you or well done? None! The lesson here is that if we are unduly concerned with recognition and praise we may never make a difference or touch lives. You may not be aware, but life is tough for many. Everywhere you turn there is a need and a concern. The world is in dire need of encouragers and hope givers. The good book says that whatever a man sows he shall reap so join me and let us begin to sow good seeds. Shalom!

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