Monday 19 September 2016

You Will Get There!

The hand of the clock finally crept to 4:30pm. Hurray! It was Friday evening and I was really looking forward to going to Church for prayer meeting and then home to my family. It was raining as I left. Nothing new there as it’s been raining nearly every day for a while now. I got into my car and set off, very sure that I would be at church give or take 45 minutes considering traffic, of course. Alas, that was not the case! A journey that ordinarily would have taken 30-45 minutes took approximately four hours and thirty minutes! Pretty much of the way we were crawling at snail speed and the rest was long stand stills. To crown my frustration, my phone battery ran out and my battery charger was not in the car! I knew how concerned my family would be and I wondered what they were thinking. There was no way to detour as everywhere was blocked! I felt trapped! Initially I was at peace even though I was not happy that I missed Church especially as I was on duty to minister. I may have been at peace for about an hour or so when I felt the frustration and anxiety mounting within me.
In that situation, I could not help thinking of God’s people waiting to be helped or rescued from one situation or the other. I could not help thinking of the couples waiting for a child, the singles waiting to be married, the college graduate waiting for a job, the sick waiting for healing, families waiting for a miracle to save their homes. And the community of believers persecuted and massacred all over the world waiting for deliverance. I could go on and on. Waiting is not easy. When waiting understand that we will experience different conflicting emotions before we arrive at our desired end. In the early stage of the process, it looks like a walk in the park. “Yeah, I can do this!” we tell ourselves. Then we wait and wait and there is no visible change.
The pressure begins to mount and we begin to ‘hear’ the silent creeping steps of doubt, frustration, anxiety, anger, despair, depression and discouragement. If we are not spiritually and emotionally intelligent the enemy may easily hijack the moment and shipwreck our faith. Satan knows that he alone cannot destroy our expectations. He needs our collaboration. Why he keeps succeeding is because we have given him too much credit and are ignorant of the workings of the waiting process. The key is not to agree with the emotions that creep on us, but agree with the word of God. These emotions are natural, but we must step up to the supernatural to make it through. Your faith in God and His word in you act as an impenetrable wall of defense around you. We must never let our faith wall down! That was why Jesus interceded for Peter that his faith may not fail. (Luke 22: 23) If our faith does not fail our miracle would be sure. In that traffic, I discerned the different emotions dancing around my heart. I recognized frustration, anxiety, irritation, anger, self-pity, sadness, loneliness and despair. I recognized them because once upon a time they were my constant companions. And I know well that their company does not lead to profit. Just as we disconnect from toxic human relationships we must be intelligent enough to disconnect from these toxic internal companions that flirt around our hearts.
Remember that God comes through always. If there is a seeming delay it is because of the conflict of interest between God and us. We are interested in the destination, but He is more interested in the journey i.e. the process. So, I decided to align my interest with His interest, the journey. I became grateful for every crawl that took me closer to my family and decided to maintain my peace. Waiting time is word time so I busied myself listening to gospel music and sermons on CD. It took longer than I expected, but I made it home with my faith intact! Friends, my waiting may be trivial compared to yours, but the lesson is the same. I am here just to assure and encourage you that you will get there in Jesus name! Peace!

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