Monday 5 September 2016

The Winners Attitude

The journey of life is not always smooth. If the truth be told it is marked with bumps and holes! But life must be lived and progress made. We must therefore learn to program our hearts for the tough times, for the rough rides that none of us want but inevitably happen. The mere fact that others are making progress in spite of the obvious odds is a pointer to the fact that we can too. For instance the fact that some couples celebrate 50 years in marriage is a pointer to younger couples in marriage that their marriages can make that number and more if they apply their hearts to make it work. When a woman that had waited for twenty years for the blessing of a child finally conceives and brings forth it should assure others in waiting that their miracle is possible too. Life is about perspectives. It all depends on what you see. Sadly, we all do not see the same pictures and so our results in life are different.
Mark Zuckerberg during his famous visit to Nigeria pointed out that the first quality of an entrepreneur is an unquenchable passion and ‘a never give up’ attitude. He suggested that if you are hungrier than other dreamers it is most likely that you would be the one to make it in the end! This is true for nearly all aspects of life. We must approach life as entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur must make profit from whatever goods or services he is selling, you too must make profit out of your existence on earth. The trick is to dig your feet into the soil of life and force it to work in your favour. When you are a person that gets easily discouraged and gives up at the sign of trouble you will never see the beauty of life nor experience the miraculous power of God. We must understand that troubles are the raw materials for miracles and tests must come before testimonies can be reported.
No matter the number of persons that give up on you or your cause, you must never give up! The moment you do, the devil has you for dinner! Job was dealt a cruel hand by life at some season in his life. He lost all his business investments and all his children in one day! As if that was not enough he was struck with some strange boils and skin infection that made life a living hell. His situation was so pathetic that close friends who came to empathize with him could not speak for seven whole days! They just starred at Job. Once upon a time, he was the wealthiest man of his day, but here he was reduced to a bag of bones, and what flesh was left on his bones was ravaged by disease. Job must have stunk, too! What a pathetic sight to see, but here is what Job said, "...All the days of my hard service I will wait, till my change comes” (Job 14:14, NKJV) Job was not in delusion. He knew his condition was bad and the circumstances bleak, but he resolved to wait on the One who has power to make impossibilities possible. Job must have realized that he would be required to give account of how he spent the life that was given to him. Would he give a report of woes, sicknesses and failures or would he give a report of impact and glory? Job yearned for a good report. He could not die defeated after starting out so powerfully in God. He refused to succumb to the lies of the devil after tasting of the love and mercies God.
Somewhere in his sufferings, Job made a resolve in his heart to wait on God until there was a change in his situation. He refused to give up and began to hope expectantly in the Lord. His faith blossomed and we know that nothing pleases God like faith. A man who calls those things that are not as if they are is a man that is irresistible to heaven. That is a man that operates in the class of the IAM THAT IAM, Yahweh, The Almighty God! Expectedly, Job’s turnaround came gloriously. “Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning, for he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and one thousand female donkeys. He also had seven sons and three daughters…After this Job lived one hundred and forty years, and saw his children and grandchildren for four generations. So Job died, old and full of years” (Job 42: 12-14, 16-17, NKJV) If Job had given up, he would not have experienced this glorious restoration. He lost all his children at some point but God gave him more children and grandchildren too. This can be your end and mine too, if we make up our minds long before the trials of life to hold on to the promises of God. “Indeed we count them blessed who endure…” (James 5:11a, NKJV) Peace!

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